martes, 17 de noviembre de 2009

The Miner working

Monument depicting a miner working attitude with his suit, helmet and front light and a large crowbar or drill in your hands

Spaceship made of bronze, symbolizing "Tomorrow"

People that Born in Rancagua

>Germán Riesco Errazuriz, president of Chile between 1901 and 1906.
>José Victorino Lastarria, political, revolutionary.
>Oscar Castro Zuñiga, poet, writer and teacher.
>Samuel Román Rojas, sculptor.
>Lucho Gatica, bolero singer of international fame.

Food & Places

Typical dishes abound in this area are corn pie, humitas, pies, beans, potato pie, and "carbonada".

In the city include some prominent places in in terms of gastronomy. The Café Queen Victoria, is an entrenched tradition of local cuisine with a wide range of pastries, and fast food in Chile, Rancagua and El Viejo, in State Walk, a place where the Bohemian atmosphere of the city and meets noted for its chorillanas.

Moreover, as local curiosity, the property is sold "ice jam" in certain areas, as an ice cream dessert.


The city of Rancagua extends from the Angostura de Paine, to Pelequén Angostura, and part of the Intermediate Depression. The main feature of this basin is that it is sandwiched between the Andes and the Cordillera de la Costa.

The weather is "mild with long dry season", ie a Mediterranean climate. Therefore, the seasons are presented clearly marked, with warm summers and rainy winters and dry, fresh and moist

lunes, 16 de noviembre de 2009

Plaza de Los Heroes

Despite not being a tourist city, Rancagua has many attractions, mostly delegates to be the historic city of Chilean independence.

The Plaza de Armas, Plaza of the Heroes, was the scene where Bernardo O'Higgins and his men held on site at the Battle of Rancagua. The square is remarkable because its streets running through the middle giving way to a cross, so that shared with Plaza de Armas Combarbalá is surrounded by important buildings like the Cathedral, the Inspectorate of O'Higgins, the Governorate of Cachapoal , among others

Culture and Celebrations

Each 2 October, commemorates the Battle of Rancagua with a parade at the Estadio El Teniente de Rancagua with the Armed Forces and Carabineros, the city's main institutions, colleges and high schools.

Throughout the month of October also performed the "Fiestas rancaguina", which celebrates the anniversary of the city. Throughout these weeks are made various artistic, cultural, and recreational, culminating with a live show with guest artists and launching fireworks.

Since 2002 takes place at the Plaza of Heroes, during the National Championship Rodeo, a folkloric show called "Fiesta Huasa. It folkloric shows and exhibitions made gastronomic products of region VI.

Also performed, since 2008, the Festival International de Jazz de Rancagua

Battle of Rancagua

The city of Ranchi witnessed the battle that marks the end of the first projects Republicans Chilean Independence. The incident occurred on days 1 and 2 October 1814.

The defeat of the patriots in the battle to produce the Old Country and the beginning of the historical period of so-called Reconquista.

The heroic defeat suffered by the patriotic forces in the Plaza de Rancagua, caused the almost total destruction of their homes and persecution of those who fought in the resistance against the royal authorities.

Bernardo O'Higgins, conferred the title of city "very loyal and national level" on 27 May 1818. The same decree established the Seal of the city with the slogan "Rancagua reborn from its ashes because immortalized his patriotism."


The picunches promaucae were the first known inhabitants of Rancagua Valley at Cerro Company. The Inka did not mean the loss of local authority or of its land to the chiefs picunches.

The Picunches own volition, ceded their lands for the foundation of the future city of Rancagua.

The foundation was held on October 5, 1743 under the name "Villa Santa Cruz de Triana" and was in charge of the President of the Audiencia and Governor of Chile, José Antonio Manso de Velasco, which was adopted by Royal Decree of 29 July 1749.